About our Order
We form part of the Cistercian Order which began in
Citeaux in French in 1098, as a renewal of Benedicine life, realized
by saints Robert, Alberico e Stephen. To them was added in 1112, Saint
Bernard who gave a decisive change to the incipient order such that
he is retained as a co-founder.
From then, our Order Is totally consecrated to the Blessed Virgin
The first female monastery was that of Tart in 1125. From then, the
Order can boast of a rich female mystical spirituality. Foremost is
the figure of Saint Gertrude: the first Theologian of the Sacred Heart
of Jesus which merited her a place in the Roman Calendar; the Church
says that her heart is a worthy dwelling place for God. The history
of the Order is illuminated by many other saints: Elredo, Isaac, Guerrico,
Metilde, Lutgarda, Beatrice, Edvige, ...
The actuality of Cistercian charisma
Right from the beginning, the Order was intent on following
the footsteps of the Church with a spirit of mutual obedience, concerning
the directives and necessary changes caused by the needs of various
But along the century, the Benedictine Gift never changed from its
original intent which was aim to the love of God and search for God;
and on the faithfulness to the charisma of our founder. Our spirituality
is compose of 3 principal elements: solitude, simplicity and poverty.
Our life is
a continuous search for God
in Solitude and Silence
Our monastery is built on the rock, surrounded by green mountains.
The suggestive beauty of nature, of surrounding silence, of solitude
which is noticed helps the praying contemplation of praise and thanksgiving
to God the Creator.
Added to the solitary ambient, the style of quiet life and practise
of exterior silence brings to the peace of heart, to continuous prayer
which extends to the hour of work, and to contemplation. Because God
speaks in silence.
The external silence therefore, helps to respect the atmosphere for
the Sisters and to facilitate ours.
on Detachment
Everyday, we are called by the help of evangelical council to detachment;
those of the domestic affections in order to be disposed towards the
monastic community and the entire humanity; the detachment from private
life project to give space to those of God. Detachment from wordily
possession of the temporal goods in order to seek those eternal goods
of the kingdom of God.
on guest
"Praise be to Jesus and Mary" is our greeting to guests
that call, or knock on the door, or who writes: sincere words of one
who recognizes in the other, Jesus and Virgin Mary who come to visit
us. Therefore, on the limits of our space, we give good reception.